I skirted around the outside of Issoire, which had cycle lanes but the road surfaces were quite badly kept and bumpy. After that I dropped south towards St. Germain-Lembron and crossed over the Allier into the Haute-Loire departement, which is where many of the Loire's tributaries start out.
I arrived in St. Florine at precisely mid-day and was greeted by air-raid sirens. At the time I thought maybe it was some kind of war remembrance type thing, but apparently these things are still in use, tested on Wednesdays and used in all types of emergencies. Given that it wasn't a Wednesday maybe I should have gone indoors and listened to the radio for further instructions. Alternatively it may have been a "Warning: smelly cyclist descending upon the town" siren. You can't rule that out.

It was still hot so I took my time over leaving Brioude, riding slowly through shady mediaeval streets and alleys, under a stone arch and past the half timbered "Maison de Mandrin", a former tobacco warehouse which in 1745 was robbed by the renowned smuggler Mandrin.
Vieille Brioude, as the name suggests, was older-looking than Brioude. It was a good deal smaller, the buildings were a lot more simple and rather crumbly, and it didn't hold the same mediaeval charm as the larger town.

I camped at Langeac that night, and was pleased not to be too exhausted!
Hi just a note to say how good this blog is
Hi just a note to say how much i am enjoying this blog.
I am loving this blog too - I would like to put it on my site meandmybicycle.com, a social network for cyclists! In fact I am goign to make it a featured blog next week :)
Thanks! Congratulations on your site, it's looking great and you seem to have a growing community. I'd be honoured for this to be a featured blog :-) I have signed up and look forward to participating in the site!
Hi there, just wanted to say I'm enjoying it too. Nicely done - a gentle journey across France. I must do this one day. I get too obsessed with racing, but touring must be great too!
Well, I've done a bit of organized touring. A bit full-on though... http://www.geocities.com/exguardianreader/rp2001/index.htm
Hi animal
Thanks for your posts, I'm glad you're enjoying reading! I have bookmarked your page and look forward to reading it later. I've never tried organised touring, maybe I will one day but for now am happy with the spontaneous and sometimes rather random nature of independent travel! You should definitely try it. :-)
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