We had to get up quite early to catch the train for Rochester but given the time difference it wasn't a problem, just a very brisk walk for a couple of blocks - we really didn't see much of Toronto at all. This was to be our last day of leisure for a few weeks and we had the foresight to make it count. The train had big seats (we had gone business class) and it was nice to spend a few hours reading and occasionally looking out of the window to see the mostly white countryside.
The border crossing was another round of intense questioning, but again proof of departure made the process easier. Welcome to America, enjoy your visit, but don't stay.

After that we got to Rochester and the hotel and the rest is a bit of a blur. Despite months of planning there were still a few last minute wedding details to sort out. There were some typical best man duties to attend to but one of the more tense moments was on the night before the wedding - the veil had been taken out of its packet and was severely creased so I took it back to the hotel for some ironing. It didn't help that it was nylon and there was next to no chance of getting a replacement if necessary so I was
somewhat nervous, but a few litters of kittens later and it was looking a lot better and had not melted, success!
Saturday morning was more relaxed until it became apparent that the little detail of getting the wedding dress to the bride had been overlooked. With that delivered I could attend to getting the groom to church which we managed a little behind schedule but before the service started so that was a relief.
The rest of the day went very well, and I am very glad we were there to share in the celebrations. It was still all a bit hazy, but with food, Shirley Temples and excellent company late into the night.
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